#966 - Elliott Erwitt

Paris, 1957
#966 - Elliott Erwitt

“Be sure to take the lens cap off before photographing”

~ Elliott Erwitt


“Dying is easy, comedy is hard” is supposedly a death bed quote attributed to character actor Edmund Gwen. When director and screenwriter George Seaton visited Gwen as he lay in bed ill, George Seaton said to Gwen “This must be terribly difficult for you”. Edward Gwen is supposed to have replied “Not nearly as difficult as playing comedy” Whereupon Gwen died.

There are surprisingly very few comedic images in the history of Photography, but Elliott has displayed this rare gift perhaps more often than others. Although I have always respected Elliott’s fierce intelligence and who I know is a deeply serious man, he is in a class of his own regarding his extensive comedic output, as is evidenced here. I suspect the geniuses at Google who have been working developing the self driven car may have been inspired by this particular image. If this dog can do it what’s the big deal right?