#949 - London Events

Photo London & The Eye of the Collector
#949 - London Events

“There’s nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere.”

~ Dame Vivienne Westwood


As London and the UK prepare for the Coronation, we are also preparing for two exciting London events - Photo London at Somerset House, followed by The Eye of the Collector at the architectural masterpiece of Two Temple Place.

For Photo London  May 11-14th we return to the beautiful riverside room A1, and will feature works by Brigitta Carnochan, Paul Caponigro, Jeffrey Conley, Robert Doisneau, Cig Harvey, Michael Kenna, Sarah Moon, Pentti Sammallahti, and Wolfgang Suschitzky.

The Eye of the Collector May 17th-20th presents carefully selected works of art and design from Galleries in a curated dialogue with their architectural surroundings, hung as if in an imaginary collector’s home. Works from established artists are shown alongside lesser-known ones, encouraging a journey of discovery and re-discovery. We will present five iconic works in the opulent interiors, and a further fifty works within their online platform.

Preview works at Photo London
Preview works at The Eye of the Collector

Interested in seeing a particular work? We are taking requests to view specific works at Photo London - something you may have seen on the website perhaps or in the daily emails. To request a work or consider a particular artist please contact us by email using the link below. Please note that space and time are very limited for this concierge service - we look forward to hearing from you soonest!


 Email : Peter@peterfetterman.com