“I am a visual man. I watch, watch, watch. I understand things through my eyes”
~ Henri Cartier-Bresson
(1908 - 2004)
A woman is sitting on a couch dressed in a wonderful Dior skirt reading a book, probably Proust, and showing her beautiful bare legs wearing dark elegant shoes. But this is no ordinary woman. The legs belong to the great French photographer Martine Franck, and the photographer is no ordinary photographer. He is Henri Cartier-Bresson. Many will argue he may well be the greatest 20th Century photographer who ever lived and I would be amongst them.
The year is 1967.They have recently met. Henri is smitten and with good reason. She was extremely talented, extremely intelligent, extremely kind and had a very endearing persona. Theirs was a beautiful courtship and they were to marry three years later. This special marriage and union lasted the rest of their lives. Henri died in 2004. Martine died in 2012.
I was so honored to have known and worked with them both. Henri was given such a great gift in meeting her. He had troubles navigating the immense fame that constantly followed him. He wanted to escape all that, and it sometimes made him impatient and moody. All he wanted was a quiet life. She gave that to him and they nurtured each other till the end.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com