“It is salutary to contemplate the landscapes of Bellini, Hokusai, Poussin, Corot, Cezanne, Bonnard and so many others and to go out into nature yourself, pencil in hand”
~ Henri Cartier-Bresson
(1908 - 2004)
Henri’s first love was always painting and drawing. Whenever I met him he was always either on his way to sketch at The Louvre, a few minutes walk from his apartment at 138 Rue de Rivoli, or he had just come back from there.
He is of course best known for his images of humanity but he did sometimes immerse himself in nature, alone just with his “pencil” i.e. his camera. This is one of his truly great landscapes, one he had never printed and made signed prints of before I politely asked him to. Never had I seen an image of horses so powerfully portrayed.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com