“The thing the 60’s did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. It wasn’t the answer. It just gave us a glimpse of the possibility”
~ John Lennon
I was driving along the 405 Freeway yesterday as is a common place thing in La La Land and on comes Lennon’s “Imagine” on the radio. I nearly crashed the car.. I was incredibly moved all these years later. Reading the current daily news I was wondering what John would have made of it. Nothing has changed since he wrote those words in 1971. In fact one can easily argue that things have gotten worse. I watched the original video again last night. It is easy to be cynical and criticize him writing in his little White House in Ascot, Surrey. But that is not fair.
I had the pleasure of sitting in his apartment in the Dakota twice some years ago, selling some beautiful images to Yoko who I had met at an art fair in New York. She was incredibly gracious on both occasions. They were simple human encounters I will never forget.
Yes if only we could give peace a chance.