#1110 - Burt Glinn

Sammy Davis Jr. looks out of a Manhattan window. New York, 1959
#1110 - Burt Glinn

"I think that what you've got to do is discover the essential truth of the situation, and have a point of view about it"

~ Burt Glinn

"You always have two choices:
your commitment versus your fear"

~ Sammy Davis Jr.


Burt Glinn, born on July 23, 1925, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was an acclaimed American photographer renowned for his extensive body of work in photojournalism and documentary photography. His lens captured the essence of significant historical and cultural moments during the 20th century, leaving an indelible mark on the world of photography.

Glinn's portfolio is a testament to his versatility, spanning from his iconic documentation of the Cuban Revolution, to his coverage of the Civil Rights Movement, including the historic 1963 March on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his legendary "I Have a Dream" speech. Additionally, Glinn's talent extended to capturing the essence of artists and celebrities, including this emotion filled image of Sammy Davis Jr.

As a member of Magnum Photos, he solidified his place among renowned photographers. His work, characterized by candid and evocative storytelling, provides a unique perspective on history and culture, making Burt Glinn's contributions to photography a source of continued celebration for their historical significance and artistic merit.