#1035 - Norman Seeff

Whitney Houston, 1990
#1035 - Norman Seeff

“I shot Whitney at the height of her career. Her voice was transcendent. She came into my studio so appreciative of what I was doing and very delicate in her interaction with me, more interested in my well being than anything else. I fell in love with her. She was sensitive and vulnerable and open”

~ Norman Seeff

“I decided long ago never to walk in anyone’s shadow. If I fail or if I succeed at least I did as I believed"

~ Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston’s story is of Shakespearean proportions. Rise and fall, passion and betrayal, love and death. It is all there in a dear soul that possessed a unique god given rare talent. Norman’s sublime portrait is one of the best ever taken of her. It’s raw, honest, heartbreakingly beautiful and deeply moving.