#976 - Sebastião Salgado

Chinstrap Penguins, South Sandwich Islands, 2009 (Printed 2021)
May 13, 2023
#976 - Sebastião Salgado

"In GENESIS, my camera allowed nature to speak to me. And it was my privilege to listen."

~ Sebastião Salgado

There's no denying there is something incredible about Salgado's photographs. They capture our world, and Salgado's brilliant voice as an artist but we also connect with them personally. Here in one of the most inhospitable environments Salgado has visualized the power of "sheer will". Whether inspired to just "go for it" or "hold out a little longer" our own struggles lay parallel to these animals daily fight for survival. A reminder that we are not so different, and are also a part of our diverse and ever changing natural world.