#930 - Don Hong-Oai

Spring on the River Li, Guilin, 1990
#930 - Don Hong-Oai

“The mark of a successful individual is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it.”


~ Chinese Proverb


A beautiful gelatin silver print by Don Hong-Oai captures the beauty of the Li river and springtime cherry blossoms. The Li River, is situated in Guangxi, China, and greatly beloved by its locals. Thousands of karst mountains also surround the Li River and its connected cities. Their unique form is just visible in background of Hong-Oai's image. A result of millions of years of water erosion and weathering, the karst hills are among the oldest and most beautiful natural wonders in China.

How I'd like to be with Don on this day, watching him work behind the camera, a breeze gently crossing the river. You can imagine how peaceful it must of been on that spring day at the river bank.