#812 - Daido Moriyama

Tomei Expressway, 1969
#812 - Daido Moriyama

"For me photographs are taken in the eye before you've even thought what they mean. That's the reality I'm interested in capturing"

~ Daido Moriyama

Daido Moriyama’s photographs are instantly recognizable. They go against the grain of photography that is focused on technical precision and are packed with energy from the scene in front of him. Often shooting with a compact camera, Moriyama takes to the streets and observes what the city has to offer him. Instead of relying heavily on preconceived concepts, he trusts his gut instincts and shoots anything and everything that sparks his interest. Tomei Expressway is a grainy and raw image, which is typical of Moriyama's style, yet it eloquently seizes a moment of solitude amongst the chaotic nature of our built environment and the world around it.