"Perhaps the secret to being a productive photographer is just about showing up - being in the right place at the right time to record and/or interpret the miraculous beauty of our world. I have frequently visited and photographed around Kussharo Lake, more than most places in Japan. Set high up in the North East of Hokkaido, there is something alluring, attractive and mysterious about the place that consistently calls me back. No matter how many times I walk along its banks, the view is never the same, it changes and recharges every minute to reveal a continual stream of astonishingly beautiful new treasures and delights. On this particularly cold morning, the frozen ice combined with the natural hot spring water to produce clouds of white mist which rose behind black, inky trees. I was there at one of many “right" times and I knew that it would been very difficult to make a poor photograph. Having frequently returned to this location since, I have found, to my great satisfaction, there have been many other “right” times.."
~ Michael Kenna
Michael's words beautifully encapsulate the essence of being a dedicated photographer. He is right. It really is all about showing up, being present, and attuned to our ever-changing surroundings. Not a bad bit of advice to live by, and that goes beyond photography as well!
If you connect with Michael's work, I highly suggest visiting the gallery and seeing Michael's new beautiful exhibition. Presented by Nikkei, the Financial Times and Peter Fetterman Gallery the Los Angeles exhibition of Michael Kenna's ‘Japan / A Love story features highlights from Michael Kenna’s work in Japan for over almost four decades.
The exhibition will run at Peter Fetterman Gallery in Santa Monica from May 11 to July 20. Stay tuned London for the next leg of the exhibition this Fall 2024!
For any questions or inquiries, please email peter@peterfetterman.com