We were traveling along the Redwood Highway trying to find a place to have a picnic. The road was so littered with cans and rubbish that we rode for miles and couldn’t find a place. Finally, we just went off and had our lunch amid the litter. When it was over, I wandered off the highway about 150 feet and saw this incredible scene. It was an ancient virginal forest. Barbara [my daughter] was with us. She was a young virginal child. I knew the qualities of her body would both contrast and harmonize beautifully with the qualities of the dead logs and living plants of the forest. The cyclic character of natural forces would be clearly evident.
The light was just right, everything was spatially balanced; the relationships between events – the young child, the new forest covering, the prehistoric trees, the rotting logs – were strong and exciting. Everything went together perfectly. I didn’t have to analyze anything. I just recognized what was in front of me. All I had to do was set up and take the picture.
~ Wynn Bullock
We are lucky to share today not only Wynn's memories but those of our dear friend Barbara Bullock-Wilson. As the daughter of the photographer and featured model she takes us back to the making of this image within the forest..
"Although this event happened over 70 years ago, it was transformational. By the time I was five, I understood that being asked to model was different than posing for family snapshots and that shedding clothes meant becoming more closely connected with nature. Once Mom thoughtfully tucked a picnic cloth beneath me to protect my body from prickly dry redwood needles hidden under the lush oxalis, I relaxed. Smelling the damp, rich earth and enjoying the warmth of dappled sunlight on my skin, I felt comforted and at peace. Then the extraordinary happened. Up from the earth, the forest sang to me, embracing me with a thrumming that infused my whole being. It was a gift of belonging that is with me still."
~ Barbara Bullock-Wilson
Thank you Barbara for sharing your memories of your father and this wonderful image.