#1080 - John Humble

Lifeguard Station #26, #4, 1999
#1080 - John Humble

“Humble's impres­sive output of colour photographs does for LA by day what Brassai did for Paris by night. Despite their geographic specificity, though, what makes Humble's pictures intriguing isn't the way they create a sense of place about the city, but how they capture its sense of dislocation. ”


~ Carmine Iannaccone

When I look at John Humble's Lifeguard Station #26 series I imagine standing on a sandy beach my feet can feel the warm grain and my skin feels the warm sunlight. The beach stretches out for miles, curving gently as it meets the crystal-clear waters of the ocean. I can imagine all the varying shades of blue John must of seen as he returned to this same Lifeguard station over and over capturing the sea at different times a day. This idyllic seascape offers a sense of tranquility, a place where one can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, connect with nature, and find inner peace in the beauty of the natural world. Something I think we all very much need.