#824 - Jeffrey Conley

Merced River and Lower Brother, Yosemite National Park, 1992/Printed 2008
#824 - Jeffrey Conley

“For as long as I can remember I have felt most at peace outdoors. Nature has always been my refuge and sanctuary. I find the natural world to be endlessly wondrous in it’s range of character and texture, from moments of delicate intimacy and subtlety to the massively expansive and powerful”


~Jeffrey Conley


I think many of us share Jeffrey Conley’s sentiments. He is that rare person whose passion and reverence for the natural world combined with his technical prowess creates images of such extraordinary beauty. I have had the honor to know and work with him for over 20 years now. He is at the forefront of his generation of landscape photographers with a unique vision and for sure is destined to to be in the history books for his contribution to this medium.