1953年英ランカシャー生まれ。ロンドン・カレッジ・オブ・プリンティングを卒業。以後は米西海岸に拠点を置く。白黒の静謐で深い抒情を湛える風景写真で世界的に知られる。写真家として50周年を迎え、彼の写真は世界各地の主要な美術館が収蔵し、つねに世界のどこかで展覧会が開催されている。2022年、フランス政府から、長年の文化的な貢献によりオフィシエ勲章を授与された。1987年の初来日以後、ケンナはほぼ毎年日本を訪れ、北海道、京都、四国など各地を精力的に撮影してきた。2018-19年には日本における初の回顧展45Years Odessey 展を東京都写真美術館で開催した。2023年には50周年記念の展覧会がカーメル写真センターほか世界各地で開催。20244月、代官山ヒルサイドフォーラムでマイケル・ケンナ写真展「JAPAN/A Love Story  100 Photographs by Michael Kenna」開催。   

    Michael Kenna’s mysterious photographs, often made at dawn or in the dark hours of night, concentrate primarily on the interaction between the natural landscape and human-made structures. Kenna is both a diurnal and nocturnal photographer, fascinated by times of day when light is at its most pliant. With long time-exposures, which might last throughout the night, his photographs often record details that the human eye is not able to perceive. 
    Kenna is particularly well-known for the intimate scale of his photography and his meticulous personal printing style. He works in the traditional, non-digital, silver photographic medium. His exquisitely hand crafted black and white prints, which he  makes in his own darkroom, reflect a sense of refinement, respect for history, and thorough originality. 
    During Kenna’s fifty year career, his photographs have been shown in almost a thousand one-person gallery and museum exhibitions throughout the world, and are included in over a hundred permanent institutional collections, including; The Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; The Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo; The National Gallery, Washington, D.C.; The Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai; and The Victoria and Albert Museum, London. 
    Ninety monographs and exhibition catalogs have been so far published on Kenna’s work, including; Michael Kenna - A Twenty Year Retrospective (Treville, 1994 and Nazraeli Press, 2000); Impossible to Forget (Marval and Nazraeli Press, 2001); Japan (Nazraeli Press and Treville Editions, 2003); Michael Kenna – A Retrospective (BnF, 2009); Immagini del Settimo Giorno (Skira, 2010); China (Posts and Telecom Press, 2014); France (Nazraeli Press, 2014); Forms of Japan (Prestel, 2015); Rafu (Nazraeli Press and Shuppan Kyodosha, 2018); Beyond Architecture - Michael Kenna (Prestel, 2019) and Michael Kenna - Photographs and Stories (Nazraeli Press, 2023).
    Born in Widnes, Lancashire, England in 1953, Kenna currently lives with his family in Seattle, Washington, USA, and continues to photograph throughout the world.
    Portrait © Tsuyoshi Kato

    主催 日本経済新聞社、Financial Times, 

    企画 Peter Fetterman Gallery
    アートディレクション RAM, Gallery Art Unlimited


    Sponsored and presented by Nikkei and the Financial Times

    Curated by Peter Fetterman, organised and produced by Peter Fetterman Gallery
    Art Direction by Office RAM, Gallery Art Unlimited