“I work for the pleasure of the work and everything else is a matter for the critics. I think that light and shadow have exactly the same duality that exists between life and death. When one takes a photograph one doesn’t think about saying anything in particular”
~ Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Don Manuel had one of the longest careers of any photographer in the history of photography. He was the key figure in Mexican photography, and he was a teacher and mentor to a whole new generation of Mexican photographers such as Graciela Iturbide and Flor Garduno and continues to be an inspiration to photographers everywhere.
Henri Cartier Bresson always told me he revered him along with Kertesz as one of the greatest photographers ever. It is hard to believe that he was 76 years old when he took this photo. It has the energy and power of a much younger man and is one of his greatest nudes.
One of his great admonitions is “shoot what you see, not what you think”.
For any questions or enquiries please email peter@peterfetterman.com